Friday, August 8, 2008

natalie's french affair

In a few weeks a dear friend of mine is moving to Paris to study le fashion. Me, jealous? Of course! Ahh, how I wish she could just pack me in her suitcase and take me with her. Because she is leaving, a big bunch of us are throwing her a going-away party and guess what the theme is? France! I know, I know..we're super inventive. All the food and drink will be french, pictures of the Eiffel-tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre etc. will be put on the walls and everyone have to dress in one (or more) colour(s) of the French flag.

As I love wearing blue, white and red, I have a very hard time deciding which colour to wear. Searching for some inspiration, I discovered that while at the Cannes Festival, Natalie Portman was seen in a blue Lanvin dress, a white Givenchy dress and a red Lanvin dress. A lucky coincidence? I don't think so. I love the thought put into this, creating a fun completeness and making the French probably adore her even more!

Maybe I should do a Natalie and go for 3 different dresses in all the colours? Though that might be taking it too far and make me seem like a diva when the going-away party is just in one evening, and not three.

Images from: justjared

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