Friday, June 22, 2007


I have been tagged by adorable Izzy ( and sweetest bergenchic ( I was tagged a few months ago, but I just forgot about it...and well, the only thing I can say is that I'm sorry you had to wait for such a long time to hear 7 truly amazing, great, fantastic, out of this world facts about me....Hmm, really I should do 14, but since I don't have much time (shocker!!) this will have to do, my dears.

The rules...

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to then report this on their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. They then need to tag 7 others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, letting them know they have been tagged and to read the blog.

1. I am the biggest coffeeoholic...

I can not function properly in through the day, if I don't start it with a big cup of steaming, delicious coffee. That's just how it is. I am like the Gilmore, coffee, coffee on my brain 24/7. I am getting a tattoo soon...maybe an "I love coffee" tattoo on my buttcheek is the thing to do?

2. I am such a hopeless romantic...

I believe in everything that is romantic; the One, candlelit dinners, the whole lot really..and I bawled my eyes out when I saw Titanic because they were so right for eachother and they had a whole life together in front of them. Seriously..I'm getting tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Enough said..I know I'm hopeless, but hey..I am roamantic.

3. My guilty pleasures...

Whenever a "The Hills" or "Laguna Beach" episode is on, I'm there. Oh yes, I am hooked, but hey..first sign of recovery is acknowledgement right...and I have acknowledged the fact that I am a total sucker for LC and "her crew". And the worst thing about it is that I have no idea why...because there is always one person making trouble for someone else. But all you other trash tv junkies out there will understand me.

4. I want blonde, short hair so, so bad...

I know, I know..this is so yesterday. Sienna has now grown out her hair, and is slowly, but surely, getting back her long lucious hair. But there is something with really short blonde hair that screams power, respect and "Don't mess with know you don't stand a chance". The only problem is that I could never cut my hair that short and look good at the same time...

5. I don't have the "throwing away magazines" gene in my body...
I have the biggest collection of magazines ever. I simply can't throw them away...somewhere deep down I probably think that they have feelings or something. And Vogue magazines have the most feelings of them all..I could never dream of throwing any of them away. Ah well, I'll just have to give away my bed, chairs, tables etc. and just use Vogue magazines to sit and sleep and eat off...or I need to go to magazine rehab...

6. I am a strawberry...

You know how people say that you are what you eat? Well, if that is the case, I am definitely a strawberry. I am not kidding when I say that I could live on strawberries and nothing else. Well...cream too!

7. I have an undying love for vintage t-shirts...

Especially vintage band t-shirts. And especially vintage Rolling Stones t-shirts. For ages I have been searching for a vintage t-shirt with the oh so famous tongue logo. It is just too brilliant, and when I buy that it will be the king of my vintage t-shirt collection.

Well okay, it might not become the king because I need to take my "I love Keith" t-shirt (which a dear friend made for me) in consideration too. I wear it so much because Keith is a genius. Seriously. Everything he does is just out of this world. Next to my coffee tattoo, there will definitely be an "I love Keith" tattoo.

There you go..7 very interesting facts about me. Don't you feel you have learnt something useful today? ;p So then it is my turn to tag 7 others, and the lucky chosen are:

- The beautiful la femme:

- The wonderful ladybird:

- The gorgeous cool like chloé:

- The hot fashion addict diary:

- The sweet kitten:

- Cute Wendy:

- The GREAT touche19:

Have fun!!

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